FEVER DREAMS Energy swirls around a space that gets emptier the nearer you get to the center. An optical reducing lens, through which you can see everything clearly - but on a small scale, is set into a naturally occuring clear spot in the glass. A stream of facted glass jewels make their way out from that space. Drifting above the center, in the background, is a face and, emerging from the center are three spirits. All the glasses are hand made, full antique. The spirits are carved into opal, milk white on clear. The background glass, which appears to have a brownish cast in the photo, is actually light grey crackle. The dark glass in this piece is hard to categorize as it changes so dramically depending on the light. In reflected light it is turquoise green, in very strong transmitted light it has a brownish, brick red color and from the back it is a root beer brown. I combined copper foil and lead to assemble this piece.

I commissioned the frame from George Righter, a master woodworker. The exquiste joinery and purple heart wood compliments the piece beautifully.

Image ID:IMG0085 Function:Panel
Status:Available Location:Wooldridge Glass
Price:$1,800.00 Dimensions:23 1/2 in. w X 32 in. h
Date Created: 06/13/2000 Weight:

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